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江德敏 Peter Chiang
◎經 歷:
◎其 他:
廖一久 I Chiu Liao學歷:日本東京大學農學博士
蕭錫延 Shi-Yen Shiau學歷: 美國德州理工大學食品營養研究所博士
現 職: 教育部終身國家講座教授(1999- ) 國立臺灣海洋大學食品科學系講座教授暨終身特聘教授(1983- ) 靜宜大學食品營養系終身榮譽講座教授(2005- ) 國立屏東科技大學水產養殖系終身講座教授(2015- ) 輔仁大學食品科學系耕莘講座教授(2009- ) 國立成功大學生物科技研究所客座講座教授(2011- ) 國際期刊《Aquaculture Research》主編(2010- )
學術榮譽: 教育部『國家講座』(第三屆1999-2002,第六屆2002-終身榮譽) 科技部『傑出研究獎』(1987,1989,1991,1993 連續四次) 行政院『傑出科技獎』(1993) 教育部『學術獎』(1995) 科技部『特約研究員』(1995-2001) 傑出人才發展基金會『傑出人才講座』(1996-2001) 科技部核定最高等級研究計畫主持人(2005-2008) 教育部教學特優教師 (1989) 國立臺灣海洋大學校級教學特優教師(2001, 2004)
陳瑤湖 Yew‐Hu Chien臺灣海洋大學水產養殖學系教授
經歷: 臺灣海洋大學水產養殖學系教授(1988.8.-2017.2.) 國際事務處處長 (2012.8.-2016.8) 校長特助(1998.8-2002.7) 水產養殖學系系主任 (1992.8.-1998.7) 國家科學委員會(2014年改為科技部)生物處漁業學 門召集人(1996-99) 水產養殖學系副教授(1983.8.-1988.7.) 美國路 州路易斯卡布柔立公司資訊部經理(1982.4-1983.8) 美國路易斯安那 州立大學沿岸漁業研究所副研究員(1980.12.-1983.2.) 世界水產養殖 學會副會長,秘書長,理事(1992-97) 亞洲水產學會理事(1995-2004) 臺灣水產學會理事(1994-16)及常務理事(2012-16) 臺灣水產學會刊總 編輯(2001-05) 臺灣水產協會理事(2008-16) 臺灣水產種苗協會理事 (2000-) 臺灣魚菜共生促進協會理事(2015-) 臺灣魚菜共生學會理事長 (2017-) 臺灣休閒農業發展協會顧問(2019 一)
陳懸弧 KELVIN CHEN學歷: B.S. June 1977
EMPLOYMENT RECORD 2001-2006 Special Assistant to the President, Hanaqua Tech Inc., Taiwan 1996-2000 Special Assistant to the Chairman, Shianlin Frozen Foods Processing Plant Co., Ltd., Taiwan 1993-1994 Assistant General Manager, Tonglong Thai Paper Manufacturer, Thailand. 1991-1992 Project Coordinator, Trade & Oversea Processing, bv, Taiwan. 1987-1991 Farm Manager, Hatchery Manager, Project manager, Project Coordinator, Project Advisor, HVA-Oceanographer Aquaculture bv., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 1986-1987 Technical Manager, Oceanographer Enterprise Co., Ltd., Kaohsiung, Taiwan 1984-1985 Technical Manager, P.T. Indogram, Jakarta, Indonesia. 1984 Technical Supervisor, Resources Nusantara PTE Ltd., Singapore. 1983 Technical Supervisor, Hatchery Manager, Oceanographer Enterprise Co., Ltd., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 1982 ~ 1983 Technical Supervisor, Mark-Shen Enterprise Co., Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan. 1980 ~ 1982 Teacher, Tungkang Fishery Vocational School, Pingtung, Taiwan. 1979 ~ 1982 Junior Specialist, Tungkang Marine Laboratory, Pingtung, Taiwan.
1974-1976 TAIWAN Assisted in breeding experiments of Mugil cephalus and Macrobrachium rosenbergii and cultivation experiment of Penaeus monodon in Tungkang Marine Laboratory, Pingtung, during school vacations.
1979-1982 TAIWAN Conducted research on maturation and spawning of milkfish, gray mullet and sea bream and on the culture of food organisms in Tungkang Marine Laboratory, Taiwan.
1982-1983 INDONESIA Conducting hatchery site selection in South Sulawesi and West Java for Mark Shen Enterprise Co., Ltd, Taiwan.
1983 PHILIPPINES Conducted feasibility study and the design of 30 ha shrimp farm at Bataan area for Continental Cement Corp., Philippines.
TAIWAN Designed and constructed shrimp hatchery and conducted production of shrimp fry at Fan-Shan, Pintung, for Oceanographer Enterprise, Ltd, Co, Taiwan.
1984 MALAYSIA Supervised aquaculture project development in Johor Baru, to upgrade the farm from extensive culture to semi-intensive culture for Resources Nusantara P.T. Ltd., Singapore.
Conducted site survey and feasibility study of shrimp farming along the north and south coast of Java Island for P.T. Indogram, Indonesia.
Conducted feasibility study and the design of hatchery and 120 ha. grow-out ponds for shrimp farming at Ciamis, West Java for P.T. Indogram, Indonesia.
1985 MALAYSIA Developed a 30 ha. area of shrimp pilot farm including hatchery, grow-out pond and processing plant in Kota Belu for Aquabio Sdn., Bhd., Sabah, Malaysia.
TAIWAN Conducted training program of shrimp farming technician at Neipu, Chia-Tung, Pingtung for technicians from Aquabio Sdn. Bhd., Sabah, Malaysia.
1986 INDONESIA Conducted site survey for shrimp farming project at Flores Island, Indonesia for P.T. Aqua Bakti, Indonesia.
MALAYSIA Provided technical advice to the Melacca Shrimp Hatchery of Lion Group of Companies, Malaysia.
Provided technical advice on shrimp cultivation and breeding for Aquabio Sdn., Bhd., Sabah, East Malaysia.
TAIWAN Conducted training program of shrimp farming technicians at Pingtung, Taiwan for official personnel from Agency of Agricultural Research and Development Indonesia.
Provided technical assistance to totally 330 ha. area of intensive and semi-intensive ponds of local shrimp farms in southern Taiwan for Chien Shieh Feeds Company, Taiwan.*
THAILAND Conducted assessment on the re-organization of the shrimp farm at Samut Prakran for Tauli Textile Co., Thailand.
1987 INDONESIA Conducted preliminary feasibility study on developing shrimp farming program in Medan, Indonesia for N.H.H. Group in Hongkong.
Conducted the design and planning of 218 ha. shrimp farming area in Flores Island, Indonesia for Aqua Bakti, Indonesia.
Conducted site assessment and preliminary design of shrimp farm at Mamuju, South Sulawesi, Indonesia for P.T. Polemaju Pir Utama Fishery Industries, Indonesia.
PHILIPPINES Conducted site selection at Camigium and Negros Island for shrimp brood-stock culture program of Aboitiz Inc., Philippines.
Provided technical consultation on the project development of a 35 ha. intensive shrimp farm at Bais, Negros Oriental for Seatech Inc., Philippines.
Conducted site assessment on shrimp farming and hatchery in Bayawan and Sta. Catalina, Negros Oriental for Pacifica Prawn Farms Inc., Philippines.
TAIWAN Developed culture models of P. monodon, P. japonicus and P. penicillatus in southern Taiwan for Oceanographer Aquaculture Co., Ltd.
Conducted training program in Tungkang to shrimp hatchery technicians from Nakamura Sanyo Inc., Japan.
1988 INDIA Conducted site assessment for shrimp hatchery and grow-out ponds at Thane area, Maharashtra State for Castlerock Group of Companies, India.
INDONESIA Conducted technical study for improvement of Tambak shrimp production at Residency Pinrang, South Sulawesi for P.T. Atwa Agro Tirta, Indonesia.
Conducted site assessment for shrimp hatchery and grow-out farm at Watampone area, South Sulawesi for P.T. Sulawesi Agro Utama, Indonesia.
Conducted an evaluation survey of a shrimp hatchery at Desa Tepus, Central Java for Alsena Co., Ltd., Indonesia.
Conducted site investigation for shrimp grow-out farm in Karawan area, West Java for Geohydro bv., the Netherlands.
Provided on-site technical training program on the hatchery production for Alsena Co., Ltd. Indonesia.
PHILIPPINES Conducted engineering design and supervision on the construction of a shrimp hatchery at Magay, Cebu for Seatech Hatchery Inc., Philippines.
Provided on-site technical training program to the technicians for a 12 ha. Shrimp farm (Phase I) at Sta. Catalina, Negros for Pacifica Prawn Farms Inc., Philippines.
1989 INDIA Conducted engineering design for shrimp hatchery and 440 ha. grow-out farm at Thana area, Maharashtra State for Castlerock Groups of Companies, India.
INDONESIA Conducted site investigation for shrimp grow-out farm at Mauk, West Java for P.T. Panggung Enterprise, Indonesia.
PHILIPPINES Conducted on-site technical training to shrimp technicians of 36 ha. (Phase I) intensive shrimp farm in Gen. Santos, Mindanao for Sarangani Aqua Resource inc., Philippines.
Provided on the construction of a shrimp hatchery at Magay, Cebu, Seatech Inc., Philippines.
VIETNAM Conducted site selection and survey at Vong Tau area for shrimp farming project of Annovi Enterprise Co., Ltd., Taiwan.
1990 OMAN Conducted site evaluation on the existing shrimp farm of Oman Sea Farm Company in Sur area for Oman Fisheries Inc., Oman.
PHILIPPINES Conducted on-site technical training to the shrimp technicians and management guidance of a shrimp hatchery at Magay, Cebu for Seatech Hatchery Inc., Philippines.
Conducted on-site technical training to shrimp technicians of 36 ha area of Intensive pond blocks and operation planning of 140 ha. Semi-intensive pond blocks in Gen. Santos, Mindanao for Sarangari Aqua Resources., Inc.
Conducted coordination in project implementation and on-site technical training for three shrimp processing plants at Victorias and Bago in Negros Occidental and Tubigon in Bohol for TOP Center Processing Inc., Philippines.
1991 NIGERIA Conducted project feasibility study and site selection for shrimp farming project of Hassan Jamal & Company Inc., Nigeria.
PHILIPPINES Conducted management improvement of a shrimp hatchery at Magay, Cebu for Seatech Hatchery Inc., Philippines.
Designed computer program on the operational analysis in cost & profit monitoring system and provided improvement proposals for plant management for TOP Center Processing Inc., Philippines.
1992 CHINA Conducted site survey and engineering design for an integrated freshwater fish farm in Chinpoo, Shianghai, China for Nan-Rong International Corp., Taiwann.
Conducted a project assessment on the supply of P. japonicus in Shenzhen, China for Nan–Rong Corp., Taiwan.
Conducted a feasibility study on the supply of sea-catch shrimp, Cragon crangon, for setting up a processing plant in Liaunin, China by Shianlin Frozen Foods Ltd., Co., Taiwan.
INDIA Conducted site assessment and engineering advice on the shrimp farming project and instructed the preparing of project proposal for the Sharat Seafood Inc., India.
INDONESIA Conducted cost assessment and provided advice on the technical improvement for a 250 ha. Intensive shrimp farm in Medan, Indonesia, for Shianlin Frozen Foods Co., Ltd., Taiwan.
TAIWAN Conducted the re-organization of technical team and provided intensive technical training to the personnel in marketing department for Nan-Rong International Corp., Taiwan.
THAILAND Conducted the setting-up of computerized monitoring system on cost control for Yeenin Frozen Foods Inc., Thailand.
Conducted intensive on-site training to the personnel of Z.B. Industries Inc., U.S.A.
Conducted the management improvement and setting-up of the computerized monitoring system on cost control for Tonglong Thai Paper Manufacturer, Thailand.
1993 INDIA Conducted technical assessment and the site selection for the setting up of a shrimp hatchery at east-coast of India for the Choice Group of Companies., India and Z.B. Industries Inc., U.S.A.
VIETNAM Conducted site assessment and selection of 10, 000 ha area for an integrated shrimp farming project of the joint-venture company to be established by the companies in Taiwan, U.S,A and Vietnam.
1994 BANGLADESH Conducted the operational guidance of a shrimp hatchery production and site assessment and selection of grow-out farm for Pioneer Hatchery Inc., Bangladesh.
BRAZIL Conducted sites assessment, technical advising, design and planning of the shrimp farming projects for Grupo Sibra, Brazil.
VIETNAM Conducted negotiation with Minh-Hai Provincial Government for the setting-up of an integrated shrimp farming project in Minh-hai Province for the Shianlin Frozen Foods Processing Plant Co., Ltd., and Pointer Freezing Machinery Manufacturer, Taiwan.
1995 CAMBODIA Conducted preliminary feasibility study on the setting-up of an integrated shrimp farming project in Cambodia for Shianlin Frozen Foods Processing Plant Co., Ltd., Taiwan.
INDONESIA Conducted site assessment on the location of integrated shrimp farming project of National Trans-immigration Program for Bosowa Group., Indonesia.
Conducted the site assessment for the strategy of feeds marketing in Indonesia for Hanaqua International Group, Taiwan.
SAUDI ARABIA Conducted the evaluation and review of the preliminary feasibility study on shrimp farming developing project of the Gizan Agricultural Development Company, Gizan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
SRI-LANKA Conducted project evaluation on setting-up an integrated shrimp farming project in Sri-Lanka for Shianlin Frozen Foods Processing Plant Co., Ltd., Taiwan.
TAIWAN Conducted the coordination in the R & D experiments of shrimp processing technology for Shianlin Frozen Foods Processing Plant Co., Ltd., Taiwan.
1996 CAMBODIA Conducted site assessment for the establishment of shrimp farming project in Cambodia for Shianlin Frozen Foods Processing Plant Co., Ltd., Taiwan
PHILIPPINES Conducted the feasibility study, site survey and preliminary design for the aquacultural project in Cagayan, Philippines for Taiwan Fisheries Consultants, Inc., Taiwan.
INDIA Conducted the design of intensive culture planning of shrimp production in disease contaminated area of Balaji Group, India.
INDONESIA Conducted site assessment for the establishment of shrimp farming project in Calimandan area for Shianlin Frozen Foods Processing Plant Co., Ltd., Taiwan
1997 SRI-LANKA Conducted site assessment for the establishment of shrimp farming project in Sri-Lanka for Shianlin Frozen Foods Processing Plant Co., Ltd., Taiwan.
THAILAND Conducted field supervision on the factory construction and the establishment of management system for Contessa (Asia) Prodcuts Co., Ltd., Thailand, and Shianlin Frozen Foods Processing Plant Co., Ltd., Taiwan.
Conducted the experiments of probiotic culture in aquacultural farm for Shianlin Frozen Foods Processing Plant Co., Ltd., Taiwan and Pointer Freezing Machinery Manufacturer, Taiwan.
1998 PHILIPPINES Conducted the planning of project ideas of the establishment of an integrated aquacultural park in Philippines for Nan-Rong International Corp., Taiwan.
TAIWAN Conducted the coordination of the seafood procurement for the area of Bangladesh, India and Sri-Lanka for Shianlin Frozen Foods Processing Plant Co., Ltd., Taiwan.
Supervise projects of culture experiments of probiotic culture and in-door super-intensive culture system in shrimp culture for Shianlin Frozen Foods Processing Plant Co., Ltd., Taiwan.
Establish the Chinese information supply system to FIS web-site for The Sueichan Press, Taiwan.
Develop the toll-processing program of cultured fishes in Taiwan and export to the U.S. market for Hanaqua Tech Inc.
1999 ECUADOR Conduct comprehensive assessment on the improvement in existing operation of feedmill, shrimp culture and Tilapia culture of ENACA Empacadora Nacional C.A. for Hanaqua Tech Inc.
TAIWAN Consult the project of in-door super-intensive culture system in shrimp culture for Taiwan Ecology Engineering Co., Ltd., Taiwan.
Establish the seafood procurement operation system for the area of Bangladesh, India and Sri-Lanka for Shianlin Frozen Foods Processing Plant Co., Ltd., Taiwan.
Conduct supervision on the processing of aquacultured fishes and its costing monitoring in Taiwan for Hanaqua Tech Inc.
2000 TAIWAN Conduct seafood procurement and marketing for Shianlin Frozen Foods Processing Plant Co., Ltd., Taiwan.
2001 Australia Conduct assessment on the project operation of Aussie Prawn Farm, Australia, for Central Investment Company, Taiwan.
China Set-up the commercial Tilapia processing line and its management system in Guandong China for Hanaqua Tech Inc.
TAIWAN Conduct market information collection and consultancy in aquaculture to Shianlin Frozen Foods Processing Plant Co., Ltd., Taiwan.
2002 China Set-up the second new commercial Tilapia processing line and its management system in Guandong China for Hanaqua Tech Inc.
Sudan Conducted feasibility study for the project of setting-up an integrated Tilapia Farming in Sudan for EL SAFA ADVANCED INDUSTRIES CO. LTD. in Sudan.
2003 ~ 2006 China Developed the Q.A. system for Tilapia processing and assisted management in Guandong China for Hanaqua Tech Inc.
2006 ~ 2008 Gambia Conducted site survey and selection of potential areas in the nation and proposed the best five candidate areas for commercial development in future.
Sett-up the first fish hatchery in the Gambia for Tilapia fingerling production and personnel training that will be regarded as the basis of future development in aquaculture in the Gambia.
2009 Thailand Design the computer-monitoring system on the seafood production management and cost control for Xin-Ning Frozen Foods Inc., Thailand.
China Assist in the setting-up of fish way and ecological study for the fish of Gymnocypris przewalskii przewalskii in Qinghai Lake, China.
Singapore Set-up an aquarium-scale fish stocking system for a joint-venture investment in Singapore of Seven Seas Seafood Inc. in U.S.A.
Burkina Faso Under the assignment of Taiwanese Embassy to Burkina Faso to set-up a processing plant for Tilapia primary treatment for PEP project in Burkina Faso.
2010 Thailand Conduct revising the computer-monitoring system on the production management and cost control for Xin-Ning Frozen Foods Inc., Thailand.
Philippines Assist site survey for the study of Anguila spp. for Dr. Ching-Shyan Tzeng, Tsinghua University.
蘇茂森Focus Fisheries stock enhancement, offshore cage aquaculture and aquaculture systems management. Background Dr. Su has over 40 years of R&D experience in culture-based fisheries, especially shrimp stock enhancement, marine cage aquaculture and ecological aquaculture, integrating academia with industry; from 1987 to 2000 he served as the Director of the Tungkang Marine Laboratory, Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute (TFRI); from 2000 to 2011 as the Deputy Director General of TFRI. Accomplishment Published over 90 papers and book chapters in fisheries/aquaculture. |
許世仁 Rene學歷: 台灣海洋大學海洋學系
經歷: 台灣省水試所技師6年 駐中南美洲農技團技師6年 泰國Great Pacific養蝦場經理3年 印尼Depasena養蝦計畫協理2年 夏威夷Rainbow Farm技術合夥人3年 菲律賓Feedmix Specialist Co., Ltd.,顧問7年 文萊Golden Rich公司藍蝦(P. stylirostrius)計畫顧問1年 喃嶸國際水產(上海)公司顧問 高洋水產負責人
林鈺鴻學歷: 國立台灣海洋大學食品科學系博士
林鈺鴻博士為國立屏東科技大學教授,擔任熱帶水族營養與生理實驗室主持人,目前研究項目包含水族營養需求、營養與健康、替代性原料評估與開發及機能性飼料添加劑開發。他擔任國際期刊Aquaculture Report編輯委員、亞洲水產學會台灣分會秘書長以及國際研討會世界華人魚蝦營養學術研討會及2018年亞太水產養殖論壇學術委員會委員,此外他也曾參與全球魚類營養最重要的標準書NRC (2001)的編著工作。林博士師從國家講座教授蕭錫延博士,2005年獲得國立台灣海洋大學食品科學系博士學位後,繼續博士後研究工作六年。2011年於國立屏東科技大學水產養殖系服務至今。林博士於屏科大服務的八年裡,曾擔任11件科技部生科司計畫主持人,產學計畫超過30件,其中也包括比利時、美國、越南及泰國等跨國產學合作案。林博士曾12次獲邀擔任國際學術研討會邀請(或主題)演講者,至今已發表44篇學術期刊論文、5篇專書著作及7篇技術報告。
陳宏遠學歷: 美國德州Texas A&M University博士
施培育 Neil學歷: 私立嘉南藥學專科學校工業衛生科畢業